Memphis Real Estate Video Blog

Saving Time & Money on New Construction Purchases

  • Saving Time & Money on New Construction Purchases

    Here’s how to save time and money when you buy new construction.

4 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Property

  • 4 Tips to Help You Choose the Right Property

    These four tips will help you choose the right home.

Key Questions to Ask About a Home During a Divorce

  • Key Questions to Ask About a Home During a Divorce

    Today we'll look at some key real estate issues involving divorce.

How Should Sellers Handle Multiple Offers?

  • How Should Sellers Handle Multiple Offers?

    Here’s how we handle multiple offers with our home-selling clients.

How to Avoid Owning 2 Homes

  • How to Avoid Owning 2 Homes

    Today we'll explain how to avoid being temporarily homeless when selling your home.

How Should I Handle a Low Appraisal?

  • How Should I Handle a Low Appraisal?

    Here are a few different ways you can sell your home after a low appraisal.